Thursday, February 10, 2011

Does editing squash creativity?

Recetly, I entered a writing contest and started reading some of the other entries. I had to stop; I couldn't find a way to rate them or write a simple review. My writing partner and I spent a lot of time, nerves, and energy on getting our stories as well written as possible before submitting. Then, we read other stories and they are like first drafts! Like the authors didn't care enough to edit their work before submitting it for the world to see. To say this has become my biggest pet peeve is an understatement. If you want to write, I believe you should at least try to edit your work so it is readable. Learn how to punctuate; spell; the difference between their, there, and they're!

Writing is creative, but with all creativity comes a bit of responsibility. If you want people to read and ENJOY your work, editing is a must.

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